
We care about your buying experience. Therefore, other than online purchase platform, we also have 3 showrooms in New Zealand for our customers to visit~ We welcome you to our local stores for clearer information about our pop up gazebos/marquees. Our professional, enthusiastic, passionate and well-trained service team is ready to serve you at our local stores in Wellington, Auckland and Christchurch.

Product display:

we have set up some pop-up gazebo/marquee for display. You will have a better understanding and know what to buy by looking at our products display.

Face-to-face explanation

Hercules specialists are always ready to serve and explain to you face-to-face.

Because we want you to have a clear understanding and know very well on our pop up gazebos/ marquees types, so you know what you buy.

Post-Sales Service:

If your gazebo part is damaged due to some unexpected accident, it would be hard to find the replacement from other suppliers as the replacement might not fit. So come back to us~ We have a wide range of spare parts & accessories for our customers to replace.


If you live not far from our stores, you can also prefer self pick up! Our service team will get your products ready before you arrive.

We work six days a week

If you have no time to come to our store on weekdays, don’t worry, we open on Saturday from 10 am to 3 pm.

We want you to be really satisfied, so come to our stores and experience our service~ Click the button below to find out our addresses.

Hercules team at your service. 

Posted on 14 February 2019